Your trip has me dreaming of sneaking away on my own vacation. I absolutely love all three of the countries you visited. (especially the Netherlands) After reading one of your posts I went online and pretended to book my own Europe vacation . Au Revoir ..... Anonymous said... What a wonderful and kind idea. Brittany - Monday, August 3, 2009 3:03:00 PM CDT ? Cybil said... i'm off to bordeaux soon...
Me encantan los pasodobles interpretados con la tenora. Y, por favor, si dentro de unos meses los se?ores diputados votan la prohibición de los toros, háganlo dando la cara. Clar i catal?. Comentado por: c/p el 29/1/2010 a las 18:19 ...
oh- and if anyone needs to get ahold of me for whatever, or you're just email address is still the same ( and so is my cell # (640-7371) cara.